Current Issue

Issue: 24, 6/30/23

Year: 2023

Research Articles

Book Review

Müzikoloji ve Etnomusikoloji
Müzikoloji ve Etnomusikoloji

Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge by publishing studies in accordance with international publishing standards in the fields of music and dance. For this purpose, Porte Akademik publishes original works that are both music-centered and music-related.

Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies, besides publishing research articles written with an interdisciplinary approach in the sub-branches of musicology and choreology, publishes original and qualified studies in the genres of review, criticism and translation.

Authors must prepare their manuscripts by using our Manuscript Template, in Microsoft Word format, and they must review the compliance with the following rules before submission. We will not be able to start the review process for the manuscripts submitted in different document formats.

1. In manuscripts prepared by using the Manuscript Template, the statements that reveal the identity and contact information of author(s) (e.g. the name(s) of author(s), institution, telephone number, address, e-mail address, ORCID) should never be included.

2. The file name of a full text manuscript, prepared by using the Manuscript Template, should only include the first four (4) words of the title of the text and the application date (

3. In manuscripts which are prepared by using the Manuscript Template, the titles and subtitles should have the following stylistic features:

a. Manuscript title is 14-point size in Times New Roman, Capitalize Each Word and bold; single line spacing (1.0), aligned left, and 6 pt space before and after the paragraph.

b. Primary headings are 12-point size in Times New Roman, all words are in uppercase and bold (bold); single line spacing (1.0) aligned left, and 6 pt space before and after the paragraph. The level number should be written before each primary heading, in the format specified on the manuscript template.

c. Secondary headings are 12-point size in Times New Roman, Capitalize Each Word, and bold (bold); single line spacing (1.0), aligned left, and 6 pt space before and after the paragraph. The level number should be written before each secondary heading, in the format specified on the manuscript template.

d. Tertiary headings are 12-point size in Times New Roman, Sentence case, and bold; single line spacing (1.0) aligned left, and 6 pt space before and after the paragraph. The level number should be written before each tertiary heading, in the format specified on the manuscript template.

e. Quaternary headings should not be used in the manuscripts. However, if they are absolutely necessary,they can be 12-point size in Times New Roma, Sentence case, italicized, and they should NOT be bold; single line spacing (1.0), aligned left, and 6 pt space before and after the paragraph. If a quaternary heading is used, the level number should be written before the heading in the format specified in the manuscript template

4. Body text is 12-point size in Times New Roman; paragraphs are justified; single line spacing (1.0), 6 pt before and after the paragraphs.

5. In order to ensure the literary and semantic integrity of the text, footnotes are used only to provide additional information and/or explanations that cannot be included in the main text. Footnotes should be at the bottom of the page. Endnotes are not used. Footnotes are 10-point size in Times New Roman, and justified with single line spacing (1.0), 6 pt before and after the paragraphs.

6. Direct quotations longer than four (4) lines should be written separately from the main text, and the cited texts should be written with an indent of 1.25 cm from the left. Quoted text is in 10-point size in Times New Roman; paragraphs are justified; single line spacing (1.0), 6 pt before and after the paragraphs.

7. Indentation is used only for the quotations stated above (the first line of any paragraph in the main text is not indented).

8. Text wrapping should not be done with the space character (space) or TAB key in any part of the text. Unnecessary spaces in the text should be reviewed by clicking on the ¶ (character) on the home menu of Microsoft Word.

9. In no part of the text, no spaces should be left between paragraphs using the keyboard (with the enter key), and the spaces should be adjusted as described in the stylistic features above.

10. All images such as photographs, pictures, figures, charts and tables in the manuscript should be aligned center and the resolution of the images should not be less than 200 dpi. Images should be placed where they are referred to in the text, and they should be referenced in the relevant part of the text. In addition, the images should be numbered according to their order in the text and submitted as separate files besides the manuscript.

11. All images such as photographs, pictures, figures, charts and tables should be referenced in the text. Images should be named as Figure #: charts and tables Table #: and their explanations should be written underneath. The explanations (captions) are 10-point size in Times New Roman; paragraphs should be centered with a single line spacing (1.0), and 6 pt space before and after the paragraph.

12. The bibliography section, which is to be listed under the heading References at the end of the text, should be arranged alphabetically according to the last names of the authors of the cited sources in the text.

13. The APA Style (7th edition) is used for in-text citations and for listing the references at the end of the manuscript. For the examples of this style, see. Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies recommends using bibliography management software such as Zotero and Mendeley for international compatibility in bibliography and in-text citations.

14. If there is an appendix (or appendices) to the study, they should be numbered under the title of Appendices, after References, and in the format specified in the manuscript template.

15. Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies recommends complying to the order below, before the submission of manuscripts.

a. Title

b. Abstract (between 300-400 words)

c. Keywords (5 keywords)

d. Headings

e. Conclusion

f. References

g. Attachments (if any)

The Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies is committed to the highest accepted standards of publication ethics. To this end, the journal adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Academic Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).

Journal editors, referees and authors are expected to have the following ethical duties and responsibilities, prepared in accordance with the “Code Of Conduct And Best Practice Guidelines For Journal Editors” and “Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) :

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors

The editor is responsible for every article published in the journal. They must ensure the quality of the material they publish and maintain the integrity of the published record. In this context, the editor;

  • S/he only makes academic decisions and takes full responsibility for these decisions.
  • S/he takes care to act in accordance with the principle of freedom of thought so that the works can be evaluated fairly and impartially.
  • S/he conducts business processes in accordance with intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
  • S/he strives to meet the information needs of readers and authors and constantly tries to ensure the development of the journal.
  • S/he protects the confidentiality of authors and referees and manages the referee process accordingly.
  • S/he takes into account the opinions of the authors, readers and referee board members on the development of the journal’s processes.
  • S/he follows research on refereeing and publishing, and reviews the journal’s processes in the light of new information.
  • Editors pay attention to the originality of published works. S/he pays attention to the scientific contribution of the study to readers, researchers and practitioners.
  • Editors consider feedback from all stakeholders and strive to provide descriptive and informative feedback.
  • Editors take care to ensure that all studies are reviewed by appropriately qualified referees.
  • S/he is in constant communication and cooperation with the authors and referees in order to prevent any disruptions in the acceptance, evaluation and publication processes.
  • During the appointment of the referees, editors take care of whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors and the referees.
  • Since the evaluation process is carried out by the method of Double Blind Arbitration, the identity information of the referees is kept confidential. The referee list for each issue is announced in the relevant issue.
  • Reviewers are encouraged to use an impartial, scientific and objective language when evaluating the work.
    In order for the referee pool to consist of professionally equipped and competent names, it is constantly updated. Efforts are made to include referees from sub-disciplines in the evaluation processes.
  • Precautions are taken regarding to rude and unscientific evaluations.
  • Editor provides a fair, impartial and timely evaluation of each work.
  • Editor/Editorial Board may make a decision based on the similar and opposing views of the referees who evaluated the study. In this regard, editor does not look at the number of referees who accepted or rejected, but the strength of the arguments of the referees or authors. Editor/Editorial Board considers reports that contain strong, justified propositions rather than reports whose evaluation questions are answered as yes or no.
  • After a study is published, the referee may find that her/his views are not fully reflected in the study. It is possible that other referees had different opinions and that Editor/Editorial Board took these opinions into account. In this case, in line with the request of the referee who evaluated the study, the opinions of other referees can be sent to him if the Editorial Board deems it appropriate. According to the suggestions of the referees, Editor/Editorial Board may publish the study, accept the study with partial and/or significant changes and improvements for publication, start a new evaluation process by asking the author(s) to edit the study in accordance with the referee’s opinions, or reject the study altogether.
  • Editor refuses to work without the expressed consent of the individuals used in studies containing personal data. In addition, s/he is responsible for protecting the individual data of the authors, the referees and readers.
  • Editor takes care to ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the evaluated studies. Ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies is responsible for refusing the study in cases where there is no permission for experimental research.
  • Editor is obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of all published articles and to defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of possible violations.
  • Editor takes into account the criticisms of the works published in the journal and tries to display a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees

The articles sent to the Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies for publication are subjected to editorial process in terms of the suitability of the purpose, scope, method and writing principles, and the manuscripts that can be published, are sent to two different referees due to the Double-Blind Refereeing practice.

Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies expects referees to have the following ethical responsibilities:

  • Evaluations should be impartial.
  • Those who act as referees must be experts on the subject on which they express their opinions, and if they do not have sufficient information on the subject, they should reject the arbitration offer.
  • Referees should not have a conflict of interest with the research or the authors. If the referees find that there is a conflict of interest in the manuscripts sent to them, they should notify the issue editor and withdraw from the refereeing.
  • According to the confidentiality principle, the referees should destroy the studies they have reviewed after the evaluation process.
    Referees should make the evaluation objectively only in relation to the content of the study. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not influence the evaluation.
  • As a requirement of their responsibilities to be educational and instructive, the referees should guide the authors, avoid offensive and insulting comments, and statements about the author’s inadequacies.
  • Referees must perform the work they accept to evaluate on time and within the framework of the above ethical responsibilities.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

  • Manuscripts submitted for publication should not be in violation of scientific publication ethics (plagiarism, forgery, distortion, republishing, slicing, unfair authorship, not specifying the supporting organization, noncomplying with ethical rules in studies on animals, etc.).
  • Author(s) must have conducted the research process of the studies they sent in accordance with ethical rules and relevant legislation. Manuscripts must be original studies that are suitable for the specified fields of study.
  • Author(s) should state the ethics committee decision information (committee name, date, number, etc.) in the manuscript, if research results that require an ethics committee decision are included in the manuscripts they submit.
  • In case of direct quotation from other studies during the manuscript’s research process, the authors should be cited.
  • Bibliography list must be complete and the cited sources must be specified.
    In multi-author studies, authors should take joint responsibility for the content of their publications. Authors should check their publications at every stage to ensure that methods and findings are reported accurately.
  • Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
  • Author(s) should describe the research methods s/he used and present her/his findings clearly and precisely.
  • Author(s) must undertake that the work is original and has not been published elsewhere in any language.
  • If the research findings have been published before or sent to a different journal for publication elsewhere, the issue editor must be informed during the article submission process. The author(s) should submit copies of relevant publications or copies of works submitted to other journals.
  • Multiple publications originating from a single research project should be clearly identified and referenced to the primary publication.
  • Raw data regarding their submitted manuscipts can be requested from the author(s) within the framework of the evaluation processes. In such a case, the author(s) should be prepared to present the required data and information to the issue editor and the journal boards.
  • Author(s) must have the document(s) showing that s/he has the usage rights of the data used, and has the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or s/he has performed the consent procedures for the subjects.
  • Author(s) should describe their methods clearly and precisely so that the findings in the study can be validated by others.
  • Author(s) cannot have their work in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application.
  • In case of that an author(s) notices an error in her/his manuscript (published, in early appearance or evaluation stage), s/he is obliged to inform the journal editor, and to cooperate with the editor in the correction or withdrawal processes.
  • In studies with multiple authors, all authors should be listed, and the names of the authors should be entered in the copyright agreement form during the submission of the manuscript.
  • In multi-author studies, a corresponding author should be selected from among the authors during the manuscript evaluation processes, and the corresponding author should undertake the communication with the issue editor.
  • Changing author responsibilities (such as adding an author, changing the order of authors, removing an author) cannot be proposed for a work whose evaluation process has begun.
  • Changes and adjustments made in the manuscript should be communicated to the all authors. This process is the responsibility of the corresponding author.
  • In multi-author studies, authors are expected to take joint responsibility for the integrity of research and reporting. However, if authors take responsibility for only certain aspects and reports of the research, this should be stated in the study.
  • Detailed information about the referee process is specified on the Writing Rules page. Authors are deemed to have accepted these rules when submitting a manuscript.
  • Author(s) should cooperate in the evaluation process and respond to referee and editor requests in a timely and accurate manner.
  • If author(s) wish to withdraw their work during the evaluation process, they should inform the editor.
  • Author(s) must obtain appropriate approval, license, or registration prior to trial initiation and details must be provided in the report at the time of submission (e.g. institutional review board, research ethics committee approval, national licensing authorities for animal use).
  • If requested by the editors, authors should provide evidence that the reported research has received appropriate approval and was conducted ethically (e.g. copies of consents, licenses, participant consent forms).


Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Under this license, users can read, download, copy, search and link the full text of the journal articles without the need for the permissions of the publisher or author(s), except for commercial purposes.

Plagiarism Check

During the pre-evaluation process and after the completion of the peer-review of the articles sent to the Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies, similarity reports are prepared electronically through plagiarism detection software (iThenticate). By submitting a manuscript to the journal, the author(s) is deemed to have accepted that a plagiarism report will be received and that no separate notification will be made in this regard. According to the results of this report, the similarity rate is expected to be below 20%. No action is taken on the manuscripts with similarity above this rate, and the situation is reported to the author(s), and the plagiarism rate is requested to be reduced. Manuscripts whose plagiarism rate is not lower than 20% are removed from the publication list by the decision of the editor.

Wage Policy

Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies adopts an open access approach. For this reason, no fees are charged from the authors for the execution of the manuscript processes and publication, under the names such as processing fee, submission fee, publication fee.

Open Access Policy

Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies is committed to being an open access journal and that all content of the journal will be made available free of charge via open access. The journal adopts the open access principles announced by the Budapest Open Access Institute (BOAI). In addition, all articles published as open access are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). All readers who access the journal articles can read, download, copy, search and link the full text of the journal articles without the permission of the publisher or author(s), except for commercial purposes.

Publication Principles

Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies is a scientific, international, peer-reviewed and open access journal published online twice a year in December and June. The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English. By publishing research articles, bibliographies, monographs, compilations, translations and editorials that contribute to music and dance studies with an interdisciplinary approach, as well as in the fields of study such as musicology, ethnomusicology, historical musicology, music education, music theory, music technologies, dance, choreology, ethnochoreology and dance history, the journal aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge with high quality articles in accordance with international publication standards.

Submitted manuscripts should be in accordance with the purpose and scope of the journal. Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication must be original, not previously published in another publication or not in the process of being evaluated for publication. Manuscripts that are original, unpublished and not in the process of evaluation in another journal and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.

Valid scientific methods should be followed in the preparation of the manuscript, the information about the subject, purpose, scope of the study, the reason for its preparation, etc. should be given sufficiently and in a certain order. The manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication should be prepared in accordance with the writing rules specified in the journal and sent as complete, including its bibliography.

Papers that have been previously presented in national or international scientific meetings, congresses, conferences or symposiums in the academic fields stated above can be accepted, provided with that they are not included in another journal or publication and are converted into an article format and content. Authors must inform about this situation at the time of the application, and the decision regarding the acceptance and publication of the manuscripts in this situation, is taken by the editor.

Studies submitted to the journal are expected to be written in line with scientific principles, to contribute to the field, to reference important sources in the field, not to contain expressions that would violate human rights and freedoms, and to have an comprehensible language.

All manuscripts that do not comply with ethical standards and whose appropriateness is suspected, such as plagiarism, duplication, false authorship, denied authorship, data fabrication, article slicing, publishing by slicing, copyright infringement and concealment of conflict of interest are removed from the publication. This includes articles that are found to violate ethical rules after publication.

No fee is paid to the authors for the articles published in the journal. In addition, since the open access approach is adopted, no fees are charged from the authors for the execution of the article processes and publication, under the names such as processing fee, submission fee, publication fee.

After the completion of the peer-review of the manuscripts sent to the Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies, a report is prepared electronically through plagiarism detection software. According to the results of this report, publication decision cannot be made for the manuscripts with a similarity rate of more than 20%.


Manuscript submission is done online only via Submit Article. Manuscripts sent via post or e-mail are not evaluated.

During the application, in addition to the text of the manuscript, the Cover Page, the signed Copyright Agreement Form and the Ethics Committee Report, if any, should be uploaded to the system. If there is a defect in any of these, the pre-evaluation process is not started and the author is informed to correct the deficiencies. When the deficiencies are corrected, the process is started and the corresponding author is informed about the stages of the process.

Manuscripts should be prepared using the Manuscript Template and the name of the author or any information that might reveal the identity of the author(s) (such as institution name, e-mail address, researcher ID, phone number) should not be included in the text and file name. For topics that are not included in the Manuscript Template or are not clear enough, the Writing Rules should be reviewed, and if this is not found sufficient, the opinion of the issue editor should be sought.

The Cover Page includes contact information for the article and author(s), as well as a statement of financial support, conflict of interest, ethics committee information, and acknowledgments. Before the submission, this information page must be filled in correctly and completely.

The Copyright Agreement Form must be filled in by the corresponding author, scanned after signing and uploaded to the system. The list of authors given in the form should be filled in according to the level of contribution in the article, starting with the corresponding author, and signed by each author.

If the manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication include research results that require an ethics committee decision, the Ethics Committee Report must be scanned and uploaded to the system at the time of application. Except for the time of application, requests of authors to send the report at any other stages of the evaluation will not be accepted. Responsibility for this matter belongs entirely to the author(s). In studies that require an Ethics Committee Report, reference should be made to the ethics committee decision information (committee name, date, number, etc.) in the method section of the manuscript. We follow the directions stated on ULAKBİM TR Directory’s website for the studies that require ethics committee approval.

Pre-Evaluation Process

Submitted studies are primarily evaluated in terms of compliance with the purpose and scope of the journal, publication principles, ethical principles and publication policies. At this stage, the manuscript goes through the editorial process in terms of its purpose, scope, method used in the study, language and spelling rules. As a result of the preliminary evaluation, the referee process is started for the manuscripts that are found suitable for publication. The referee process is not initiated for the manuscripts which is not found appropriate for publication at this stage, and they are returned to their authors with a justification.

Referee Process

After the studies submitted to the journal are pre-evaluated, they are sent to at least two national/international referees to be evaluated scientifically using the Double-Blind Refereeing method. Attention is paid to the fact that the referees appointed to evaluate the article are from different institutions and have the academic and scientific competence to evaluate the manuscript scientifically.

If a referee will not be able to evaluate the article, s/he should notify the journal editor of this situation at the stage of the referee invitation and reject the refereeing through the system. If the referee is going to evaluate the article, the full text of the article and the article evaluation form are shared with the referee after the referee accepts the invitation.

Referees are given 5 days to accept the referee invitation and a maximum of 15 days to evaluate the manuscript, and the evaluation process is started as of the day the referee accepts the invitation. When the evaluation report is not submitted to the journal at the end of the determined period, the referee is contacted and asked if s/he has requested additional time. Similarly, if the evaluation is prolonged, the referees may request additional time. The additional time to be given to the referees cannot be more than one fourth of the maximum time determined. Thus, the author can be prevented from losing time and sufficient time is provided for the editor to appoint a new referee. A new referee may be appointed by the decision of the editor, instead of the referee who does not submit her/his evaluation within the specified time or at the end of the additional period. The authority and responsibility in this matter belongs entirely to the issue editor.

Referees are expected to make only a text-based evaluation, and they should make their evaluations through the manuscript evaluation form sent by the issue editor on the system. Evaluations cannot be made on any other platform.

Evaluations are made by filling out the Manuscript Evaluation Form sent by the system during the referee assignments. If necessary, a Microsoft Word document containing the Article Evaluation Form or PDF can be uploaded to the system and sent. It is very important for referees to make sure that their names are not included on any evaluation document, file name or file tag.

As a requirement of their responsibilities to be educational and instructive, the referees should guide the authors, avoid offensive and insulting comments, and statements about the author(s) inadequacies.

It is expected from the referee not to answer only yes or no to the evaluation criteria, to elaborate on her/his negative opinions and to state her/his reasons. In particular, the referees who have negative opinions are expected to present the weak points of the study and the reasons for rejection to the author(s) with their evaluations.

The publication decision is made by the editor-in-chief after the arrangements made by the authors in line with the requests of the referees and the referee process. The positive opinion of both referees is directly effective in making the publication decision. In case of negative opinion of both referees, the article is removed from the publication list. If one of the referees requests a correction, the manuscript is returned to the author and s/he is asked to make the necessary changes. The modified work is sent back to the referee who made the correction decision and processed according to the result from the referee. If one of the referees gives a positive opinion and the other gives a negative opinion during the evaluation process, the manuscript can be sent to a third referee and the report of the third referee will be decisive in the publication of the manuscript.

In the reports they prepare, referees can give a definite opinion about whether or not to publish the manuscript. However, the issue editor can make the final decision based on the similar and opposing views of the reviewers who evaluated the study. In this regard, the editor does not consider the quantity of the referees who accepted or rejected the manuscript, rather the strength of the arguments of the referees or authors are considered by the editor. Editor considers the referee reports with strong, justified propositions rather than the reports with only “yes” or “no” answers.

After a study is published, the referee may find that her/his views are not fully reflected in the study. It is possible that other referees have different opinions and that the editor has taken these opinions into account. In this case, upon the request of the referee who evaluated the study, the opinions of other referees can be sent to her/him if the editor deems it appropriate.

According to the detailed reports of the referees, the issue editor may publish the study, accept the study with partial/significant changes or with required improvements for publication; s/he can ask the author(s) to edit the study in accordance with the referee’s opinions, and can initiate a new evaluation process or reject the study.

After the referee evaluation process, the referee reports and appendices filled in digital media are archived to be kept. For the unpublished manuscripts, the authors are informed with the justifications in line with the referee reports.

Publication Process

The manuscripts, whose peer-review process is completed and whose publication decision is made as a result of the editorial review, are sorted according to the application dates. In addition to the publication decision, the author(s) are informed about the journal issue in which their article will be published. At this stage, a letter of acceptance can be sent to the author(s) for the manuscripts accepted for publication. Publication of a manuscript can be postponed to the following issues if the layout stage of the current issue has been passed or the specified article number limit has been reached. The author(s) should consider this before they submit their application. Publication priority for a manuscript cannot be requested, and the responsibility for any timing problems that may arise belongs entirely to the author(s). For the articles that are urgent for publication for various reasons, editorial opinion should be sought before the application. Two manuscripts of the same author(s) cannot be published in the same issue. In such cases, the manuscripts are listed according to the publication decision dates, and the manuscript with a later decision date can be published in th following issue.

Porte Akademik Journal of Music and Dance Studies adopts an open access approach. For this reason, no fees are charged from the authors for the execution of the manuscript processes and publication, under the names such as processing fee, submission fee, publication fee.